young boy picking up sticks in the woods

5 tips to get your child ready for a photo session

If you’ve scheduled a family photo session or are considering it, you might have questions to ensure everything goes smoothly with your child. How can you effectively prepare your kid to get good photos? Will they be shy? What if they skip naptime that day and end up tired and grumpy? What if they refuse to cooperate, and the photos are a disaster?

Let me put your mind at ease: a family photo session, when properly planned, is a fun moment for kids. They enjoy themselves, they love being the center of attention, and will cherish the memories of this family time spent with your photographer. The photos will be great, I promise you.

child hiding behind flowers at the park. Tips to get your child ready for a photo session

Here are 5 tips to help you prepare your children ahead of the session so they have a great time:

1 – Let them know ahead of time

To best get your children ready, it’s important to give them a heads-up. You can decide how much notice to give based on their age! Let them know how much you love them and that they are the cutest little ones, which is why you’ve asked a friend to come and take photos of you together to display proudly in your home. If the session is at your place, you could tell them they will get to show off their favorite toys. Planning for an outdoor session? Mention that you’ll be bringing a ball or treats for a picnic.

2 – Relax!

Give yoursef plenty of time to get ready and stay relaxed so your child feels that everything is fine! It’s important you feel calm because then your kiddos will, too. It’s going to be fun, and I promise, little hiccups are not important. I also recommend explaining to your child that they will have a blast! They’ll get to play and laugh! You can also share how excited you are. If your children see your excitement, they’ll catch on.

3 – Give them something to look forward to

Going on a carousel ride, grabbing a snack at the local bakery, enjoying a bubble bath at home… Children love knowing what’s going to happen “after.” I don’t see it as a reward, as that would imply the session might not be very fun. Instead, I think of it as planning ahead.
Little ones understand that the session will eventually end, and they’ll go back to their usual routine. This is particularly useful for younger children who haven’t yet learned the concept of time, as 1.5 hour can feel like a very, very long time to them!

4 – Feed those little Gremlins

To help your little ones stay motivated, it’s important that they’ve had a good meal. Make sure you offer your child something to eat before heading out and pack a (non-messy) snack just in case. I don’t recommand bringing candy as they tend to focus on them too much, but you can save them for later!
If they get upset, it’s great to have a fruit pouch or a small bottle of apple juice. You can also pack: a water bottle, a pacifier/comfort blanket, and a pack of tissues.

5 – Give them grace

And finally, don’t worry if your little one gets overexcited. Preparing kids is key, but there’s no need to stress about everything being perfect. This is childhood: it’s loud, messy, it’s chaos, and that’s what makes it so special. Remember no matter what, your pictures will turn out great.

If they skip naptime or cry a little during the session, it’s no big deal. We’ll take the time needed to comfort them. It happens quite frenquently actually! Being the center of attention can be overwhelming. I will not ask them to behave, and I will not ask you to keep them in check. Kids will be kids, and it’s great. The photos will be beautiful, and you will have a good time.

Are you ready for some family fun and beautiful, documentary photos? Check out my family photography sessions. Don’t forget to pop up on Instagram and say hi!

photographe famille à Paris

Let’s meet
and create your family photography

I’m Aurélie, family photographer in Dublin, and I create timeless and heartfelt documentary photographs for loving families. Warm and honest storytelling for cheriched heirlooms of your little ones greatest treasure: their childhood pictures.

Want me to take the best family photos you ever had?